#mental health, motivational, Opinion, Uncategorized


Suicide is the most stigmatized and hushed topic in society. Unfortunately, what was once considered a taboo has now become the standard. Suicide is occurring at an alarming rate, which is concerning given that it is the backbone of society. African culture and religion speak lightly on it. This non-verbal discourse is fraught with questions, myths and assumptions. What makes it stressful and overwhelming are the uneducated, insensitive and ignorant opinions.

The fear is in how fragile the flame of life between one’s palms needs to be protected from the darkness of the mind. Currently, suicide is a severe public health issue. It has become a leading cause of death, taking more lives than all other natural causes combined. Fortunately, such catastrophes can be avoided.

Suicide is not a sign of failure, selfishness, or mental disease, but rather a manner of dealing with emotional anguish or harsh environmental situations. It is difficult to read or predict. Many individuals still accept stigma and ignorance in this conversation. Unfortunately, this has fostered suicide as a norm and a concept that people have gotten accustomed to. Many people who become victims of suicide attempts or commit suicide have little understanding of or access to help for the issues that prompted the act.

Photo by ph.galtri on Pexels.com

An investigation of previous concerns and conversations revealed that mental health difficulties are not new to society, but solutions to these challenges do not appear to exist. But what has changed to cause people to commit suicide? Should economic concerns, inflation, social media, technological advancement, or our way of life be the motivators for suicide?

Knowing that one is not alone, that it is okay to feel the way one does, and that aid is available opens doors that many victims have closed. It’s a shame that no one wants to listen or offer support in the circles of survivors or those attempting. People disregard the idea that they, too, can be in that circumstance, and that everyone, at some point in their lives, requires someone to talk to or support them. However, community members must first be willing to study and learn about suicide, its causes, and how to deal with the problem.

Suicide prevention starts with a shift in mindset and approach to the problem. Sometimes all it takes is a discussion to transfer a person from the comfort of death to the cause for life.
Given the culture, it is necessary to create a compassionate setting for survivors or families who have lost someone to suicide. Conversations that demonstrate awareness and sensitivity to the issue provide assistance and needs in preventing a recurrence of the incident. This can lead to the development of systems that give care and assistance.

Community members can identify members who are at risk of suicide and aid them with help. This is done by noting numerous factors such as a significant change in behavior, health issues, substance and drug misuse, unpleasant life events, and a personal family history of suicide deaths and attempts. Adequate social support and resources are required to assist with maintaining high levels of professionalism and confidentiality.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Some specialists advise circles who may know suicidal people to practice “WAIT,” which stands for:

Watching out for signs of distress or changes in one’s behavior, such as content shared on social media, withdrawal from people, unusual quietness, irresponsible outbursts, or constant talk of death or suicide.
Asking if they have suicidal thoughts or have attempted suicide. Asking does not encourage the act, but rather informs the supportive party of the next steps to be taken. This can either result in a life-changing discourse or prevent the act.

It will pass, assuring the individual that it is not a solution and that there are other options for dealing with the problems they are encountering. Suicidal thoughts can be dealt with with professional assistance or in the correct atmosphere.

Talk to other people. It is critical to persuade a suicidal person to seek professional assistance. It is also critical for those who are helping to learn about suicide and how to interact with a suicidal person.

Reducing the rate of suicides necessitates extensive participation and the removal of societal stigmas surrounding the subject. This would necessitate a significant amount of effort and dedication from professionals from various sectors who interact with people on a daily basis in order to raise awareness and educate the public. I hope we all find a place of healing and light.

“Before you call the snail a weakling, tie your house to your back and carry it around for a week”
― Ayọ̀bámi AdĂ©báyọ̀, (Stay with Me)

#mental health, Opinion

Dementia in the family.

Raising awareness and supporting families that relate to dementia is very important. Family support is a fundamental aspect of managing mental health especially since dementia comes with forgetfulness and cognitive impairment. This can strain relations in the family and many are not equipped emotionally and physically to handle the situation or environment.

This comes with prejudices and myths that many African communities lack information or resources about dementia. Due to this challenge, many fear the thoughts of community members and learning to adjust with an open mind.
There is a need to take note that the journey of living with dementia is different for each person.

This is why family roles can have a huge impact on the individual. Frustration and anxiety can build when a loved one has difficulty processing what is being requested of them. Instead, guide them with positive action statements, ask fewer questions and help them feel seen and understood.

As dementia might affect the elderly in our homes it is important to keep in mind we might get there too. this is why equipping every individual in the home under such circumstances can be impactful in embracing such a situation if it does on behalf of the home.  Chances are the affected become dependants and cannot afford to fend for themselves daily. This is why family members need to contribute in making their life comfortable and bearable. Let’s be honest most of us freak out and pan with ic when we can’t remember where we left our chargers. imagine having your whole life taken away.

Dementia takes a lot from a family but that change shouldn’t take away the opportunities in creating more memories and living on.  If as a family you do feel the need to get professional facilities that deal and take care of individuals with dementia feel free to enable them with the best of care. 

They don’t need to face this alone. Many families are struggling to assist or give adequate care. There is no need to be ashamed. You don’t need to face this alone. they should be taken in adequate places to have their specific needs taken care of. But remember the little you do of checking in can be a delight to the memory.



Photo by Wallace Chuck on Pexels.com

Dying to belong to a cause that doesn’t exist.

Compensating for the cries our grandmothers wrapped themselves as they ached for love.

Burning at the silence of their screaming voices.

Begging and whispering to God to talk our minds out of the comfort of death.

I ask who am I to carry it all?

Some days I remember them with the plea of regretting ever creating memories to box as part of me.

It gradually eats my soul and re-buries a me that died a long time ago, again and again. 

Trying not to suffocate I devour a little of my misery each day so that the excess doesn’t rot in the jars, unused.

Let it end already!

Start singing the dragging sad funeral songs,

For every breath I take leaves me homesick for a place I am not even sure exists.              

motivational, Opinions

Where do the good times go? Every day is a struggle of channelling positive thoughts, speaking kind words and learning to love yourself again in different circumstances. Yet this feeling is not even enough for a dictionary definition to capture the moment. The light grows dimmer and the world gets harder. Grow a harder thick skin they scream but smile and be kind. Be sad for the right reasons if you can’t find that happy you. But what happens to those good times and the people in them?

Sometimes the little whispers violently flush anxiety to the memories cherished and the promises made. Should one stay awake? Starting to feel pity for the way feelings change people forever. A dangerous thing, of how repetition molds everything into nothing. How cruel of the mind, a sick pleasure to falling apart and even feeling sadder.

If the memories stay then where do we go? The memories still exist, yet the presence is just but last year’s forgotten storm. Sometimes the memories replay at most dejavus and the heartaches in regret of ever knowing you. Because the good times present happiness to the soul and yet sadness to the heart for allowing those memories to stay while they left. We leave because we change, the memories stay because we refuse to change how we feel towards our memories.

So if change matters how do we do it? Change comes like seasons, it is not liable to how we respond and understand its functioning. After all, it’s our fault climate change channels confusion in us.  Slowly with acceptance, healing, responsibility and accountability, we get there. It’s not an overnight procession but a journey to reteach the IQ/ EQ how to comprehend what the heart and soul refuses to let go of. If you cannot embrace the cycle of life of change and people you don’t get it all. That means you are listening halfway and understanding a part to create difficult conversations.

Still trying hard not to explain what is below the level of our perception. Some people are dumb and stubborn. Just because a certain opinion doesn’t make sense to you or you can’t understand it does not make you better. The world does not revolve around you and the world certainly does not need to agree with your opinions and perceptions to make sense of everything. It’s going to hurt having a majority not get you. But dust off the small-minded thinking research, read, listen, understand and prepare for hell to contribute to the conversation. Maybe your thinking is not below our perception we just need the exposure.

Back to the question where do the good times go? In our memories to comfort us on dark days and give hope on another. But it takes change to realize that we can’t be stuck in one place we need to move forward, take the risks, have conversations and learn to let go.  Sometimes growing up is more important than holding to a past we can’t bring into the present or future. Though good is overrated, choose the under-appreciated your happiness.

Did I make sense? 


Diary entry one

Photo by Kaboompics .com on Pexels.com

This is just only the beginning

Give me many words of regrets

Forgiveness surely cannot count at this point

For my addition to heal, is a place of loss.

Just not misunderstood but another

Feel of the mouth with the tongue

Curve the moment’s desire

Feel the late night’s breeze

In mine, tonight all I ask is stay alive.


Weekly Devotion: Hope is Alive

Picture credit: Pinterest

“And your life will be brighter than the noonday; its darkness will be like the morning. And you will feel secure because there is hope; you will look around and take your rest in security. “

Job 11:17–18

There are days when the heaviness in your chest feels like concrete; so heavy that words can’t flow and too massive to pretend or avoid their effect.

At first, you try to resist the load, but as time passes, it overflows, it burdens and suffocates you until you feel utterly consumed. You feel like shutting God out, you want to scream and beg him to take it all away but it’s like he is not listening. He is not even there. Sometimes it’s like you have run out of prayers and words to say to him…

At this point your hope is dead.

Source of Image: Pinterest

You suddenly find yourself packing the Bible and turning on the panic mood. Your focus changes, your lane drives you back to square one instead of towards the right race.

I know I am speaking to somebody who is in trouble, who is emotionally and mentally tired of giving and asking from a God who seems silent. It’s like all hope is lost, your prayers are not being answered and it feels like he is not there.

But I am here to tell you that hope is still alive. But sometimes you just need to surrender and listen.

God’s ways are not your ways or my ways. He knows what’s best for you and he knows how best to handle it while offering it to you. God is never silent he is just waiting for the right moment to make his move.

How long are you going to hold on to thoughts & meanings that don’t serve you? How long will you expect life to serve your pudding each time you collect lemons?

Sometimes we need to learn faith the hard way to get closer to God.

You can’t change the past or the moves you made blaming God for your lack of belief, but you need to take a step of love and faith to create a meaningful relationship with God. Just don’t wait too long.

Source of image: Pinterest

Job 11: 17-18 depicts that darkness is Inevitable but so is light. Troubles will come but there is comfort and peace especially when we take that walk with the Lord. Sometimes we need to walk in the dark to see our light. Tough times can create the best of us.

Learning to live for Christ means making sacrifices to serve others and finding means to allow them to experience these beautiful moments.

Remember even when we lie in broken pieces, God has a way of turning things around. After all, he is the potter and we are just the clay. His hand reaches out to us full of mercy, love, restoration, and grace. He can uplift us in ways that when we look back we wonder,  how did I get through all that suffering. This is your testimony, hope is alive. Something not worth losing. Keep keeping on, for prayer is not an event it’s a process.

To appreciate the beauty of the moon we need to learn to understand and condemn the sun. You know every sunrise melts the frost to dew drops that dangle from a blade of grass or the tip of leaves, reflecting the sun through its rays. Now that’s love. Imagine yourself as this frosted blade of grass or tip of leaf and God is the sun. His love is great enough to warm us up in moments that we feel like there is nothing left. He turns that frosty moment into the most beautiful dew. Are we not blessed?

So dear reader be gentle, be honest,

Seeking and committing to Christ can be hard work as we are required to sacrifice and letting go of habits that block us from listening to him speak. But through the hard work comes the healing, comes understanding comes transformation. You have greatness within you. See it!
Remember you are the reason why God made grace🙏

More study texts: Proverbs 4: ,Psalm 42:11, Romans 15:13,

1. Read your Bible daily to find means and scripture that keep you in grace and hopeful.
2. Pray every day and find a purpose in that scripture of the day that links strength in finding hope in our darkest times
3. Try to speak bibical affirmations that feed the mind and soul in hope and love. Enabling us to share and speak of his love.

Sending love, prayers, and blessings – Rutendo🥀 

motivational, Opinion, Sunday whispers, Uncategorized

A Reality of Familiarity

Pattern recognition gets us lazy because we assume things will happen that way no matter what. For example, when using a phone or laptop, software updates usually pop up. Many of us find this annoying where the software update window asks us whether we want to restart now or remember later. And the obvious at that moment is to hit the restart now, but that is NEVER what we want to do, leaving us with essential files that are not backed up and a restarting machine. That is the reality of familiarity, knowing that we are safe within a certain perimeter than dealing with the unknown that breeds fear.

Photo by omar alnahi on Pexels.com

We are mourning a new kind of loss. The dawn of realization that everything is an energy that shifts concern towards familiarity. A moment that constantly requires us to keep an open mind, the probability of making ourselves vulnerable to others who need us and ready to adapt least we become lazy.

It is incredible how most of us never allow familiarity to occur for fear of losing respect, honor, and the existing formed boundaries. Shifting from the space of familiarity to situations of newness with risk tends to pause as a threat to various people. Life seems to have more questions than answers, problems than solutions, and patterns we easily prompt back into. Makes sense why we are applauded daily to experience and live life instead of wondering/ worrying. There might be no guarantee of your efforts paying off or the probability of avoiding the mistakes.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Pexels.com

It is shattering to think that the past, a memory, person, or moment has permanently been attached to familiarity. It influences our present and future in how we interact with others, and sadly, dwelling in that past can be welcoming yet destructive. It feels like home, and everything is in place. Yet a dangerous place to visit, stay and hold onto. You become incapable of growth, depressed, and normal to struggle with holding onto something familiar; after all, it may seem like the safest place on earth we want to stay reconnected to.

There is so much fear of letting go because no matter how relieved you feel, you just do not want to go down that road. You try creating illusions of progress you tell yourself because you want to wake up and find a reason not to beat yourself up. It is the doors you choose to knock on while no one is looking. The easy solution you find is to walk away, trying to leave no visible marks on your weakness.

Photo by Lina Kivaka on Pexels.com

We can all relate accepting change is hard. Moving on or trying something can be risky. But what is life if we cannot explore and take the risk? Our reality in familiarity is that we trust our bubbles of comfort not to burst, and when they do, we head down the drain of mental conflicts. Hence, it’s not safe. So why not take a challenge, learn something new, accept change and meet new people? Invest in yourself, watch your words and reflect on yourself. Manifest goodness and adventure in life but ready to let go of familiarity.

Don’t hold together what must fall apart. The familiar life crumbles so the new life can begin.— Bryant H. McGill



Be comfortable identifying yourself without depending on others, especially for their approval. Learn the trade of comfort of saying “No.”

Create boundaries and restrictions that pave the ability to control who or what has access. It’s okay to want a little break or limit yourself. You are not a superhero. Rest.

Have your restricted area where no one can enter and goes as they please. This way, your me-time is scared and unreachable to chaos or negative energy. Create your safe space.

Say “No, wait or go away” to any person who can’t respect it. You are not obliged to say “Yes” every single time— and there is no need to feel guilt or pressure for creating healthy boundaries and self-respect.


Diary Entry 2

Stay, but this time no promises

If this is going to help just stay

I am not asking for forever but

I am asking for warmth to the chills

, that keep embracing my cold heart.

Can I tell you a secret?

When your chocolate brown fingers reach out for mine

The breeze darting into my ears as you whisper

Telling me things I want to hear yet not true

Ebbing like flower petals

My heart tosses into your arms

My body leans into your fingers playing softly on my skin

You tease the softness of my belly

While scattering the blush to my toes

Oh lucky am I

To know this moment is everything and I am loved.



Bleak at the art of sleep
Come in and sit.
Let’s talk and decide on how this day begins. 
The real story not the laces you print on your mouth to cover your cracking lips
or to hide the lust you warm the mind with.
The passion you heat the night’s chills, or
the desire you fuel the mind to face every day.
looking forward to the pleasure is what drives persistence to want to live.

I guess its the lies that can’t sink anymore.



My suicidal note fell at my feet again.
And I am drowning away looking at it.
the tears and ink dancing on my words
holding my breath
as if telling me it’s okay to
find that cold place
to cultivate a life
with a bridge
over my soul and death.

For a moment the idea is so pleasing
a new grave
a floating maze
in the deepest darkest part of my mind
a soft reminder
of a cold body
with dead eyes
a last goodbye
to apologize to the ones that love me.